Machine Learning
One of Many Learning (1oML)
Source Code PaperNeural learning of one-of-many solutions for combinatorial problems in structured output spaces
Neural Style Transfer
Source Code
Pytorch implementation of "Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" - a style transfer technique proposed by Gatys et al, 2016.
Vessel Extract
Source Code
U-net based CNN for segmenting blood vessel from retinal fundus image and thereafter removal of vessels from the image to allow better diagnostic models
Deep Learning for inference over Markov Networks
Anytime algorithmto do MAP inference over Markov Networks with varied sizes combining Graph Attention Networks with MaxWalkSAT.
Style Transfer to combat Hate Speech
ReportExploration of style transfer techniques to combat hate speech on social media by reducing hatred in text while preserving the meaning to the extent possible.
Source Code ReportOpen-source implementation of AlphaGoZero with customized exploration strategy for MCTS enabling model training with limited compute and memory.
Source CodeAn AI bot to play the game of YINSH using optimised alpha beta pruning based minimax search.
Tabular RL
Source CodeImplementation of tabular methods in reinforcement learning for policy control and evaluation.
Source CodeBenchmarking different classes of models on the task of sentiment classification on Yelp dataset.
Line Following Holonomic Drive
Holonomic-drive robot which used LSA08 module to follow line with varying background colors

Hand-Gesture Controlled bot: T.R.O.M which Bagged Third Position at IIT Madras' Techfest
Data Analysis
Source Code
Visualizing trends and variation across candidates for Lok Sabha Elections 2019 in terms of assets owned and criminal cases filed against them.
Corona AQI
Source CodeAnalyzing the effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on Air Quality Index across the globe.
Systems and Networks
P4 Traffictool
Source Code WebpageP4TrafficTool is a tool designed to aid P4 developers with the process of packet generation, parsing and dissection. It automatically generates code for several traffic generation and parsing tools such that they can readily support the custom packet format(s) defined by a P4 program.
Docker in xv6
Source CodeImplementation of kernel space docker-like system in xv6 operating system.
Data Link Layer Simulation
Source CodeSimulation of Go-Back-N protocol in data link layer using mininet
Software Design
Source CodeEngineering Drawing tool that provides an easy-to-use and fast way to user to render any three dimensional object as wireframe and visualise its orthographic projections. Also, given the three orthographic projections the tool can generate a wireframe to check the prototype of 3D model.
Prolog Interpretor
Source CodeOCaml implementation of relational backbone of Prolog interpretor along with interactive console interface using ocamllex ocamlyacc
Source CodeSimulating Starlings Murmuration using Processing. Inspired from the boid model developed by Craig Reynolds
Source CodeSong recommendation app which detects the mood of people based on visual feedback and suggests appropriate songs. Developed as part of Microsoft Code.Fun.Do
Neural Learning of One-of-Many Solutions for Combinatorial Problems in Structured Output Spaces
Yatin Nandwani*, Deepanshu Jindal*, Mausam, Parag Singla
* equal contribution
ICLR '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Learning Representations -
P4TrafficTool: Automated Code Generation for P4 Traffic Generators and Analyzers
Deepanshu Jindal, Raj Joshi, Ben Leong
SOSR '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on SDN Research